
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Review of Two Truths and a Lie


"Schofield stands out among trans performance artists in that he successfully enlightens as well as truly entertains."

"Two Truths and a Lie provides a genuine alternative to mainstream trans memoir narratives, not only for its unique format but also for the educational information provided, the breadth of experiences detailed and the particularly young age at which the author's transition narrative takes place."

"The three performance pieces work well as a book, coming to life through vivid descriptions. The experience feels like a roller-coaster ride, and once picked up, the book is impossible to put down. Having seen one of the plays live, and now having read the entire collections, I wonder if maybe the written version is preferable for just one, important reason. As a reader, one can relish the work;s true poetic beauty and structure, savouring the author's artful use of metaphor and rhythm, while Schofield's live act simply whizzes by."